Studying of the fluid's property adjustment and its application in metal foam industry – Ing. Shehab Hassan Attia
Ing. Shehab Hassan Attia
Disertační práce
Studying of the fluid's property adjustment and its application in metal foam industry
Studying of the fluid's property adjustment and its application in metal foam industry
The main aim of this study is to find criteria influencing the shapes of a gas bubbles rising in stagnant liquid experimentally to form foam. A testing facility with the high-speed camera was designed. The results obtained are presented in terms of dimensionless parameters i.e. Reynolds's, Morton's and Eötvös. Factors varied to test their dependency such as nozzle diameter (3 - 5 mm), rate of flow …víceAbstract:
The main aim of this study is to find criteria influencing the shapes of a gas bubbles rising in stagnant liquid experimentally to form foam. A testing facility with the high-speed camera was designed. The results obtained are presented in terms of dimensionless parameters i.e. Reynolds's, Morton's and Eötvös. Factors varied to test their dependency such as nozzle diameter (3 - 5 mm), rate of flow …více
Jazyk práce: angličtina
Datum vytvoření / odevzdání či podání práce: 4. 3. 2022
Obhajoba závěrečné práce
- Vedoucí: prof. Ing. Karel Fraňa, Ph.D.
Citační záznam
Citace dle ISO 690:
ATTIA, Shehab Hassan. \textit{Studying of the fluid's property adjustment and its application in metal foam industry}. Online. Disertační práce. Liberec: Technická univerzita v Liberci, Fakulta strojní. 2022. Dostupné z:
Jak správně citovat práci
Attia, Shehab Hassan. Studying of the fluid's property adjustment and its application in metal foam industry. Liberec, 2022. disertační práce (Ph.D.). Technická univerzita v Liberci. Fakulta strojní
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Instituce archivující a zpřístupňující práci: Technická univerzita v Liberci, Fakulta strojníTechnická univerzita v Liberci
Fakulta strojníDoktorský studijní program / obor:
Machines and Equipment / Machine and Equipment Design
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4. 3. 2022