@BOOK{singh, title = {Kniha kódů a šifer}, publisher = {Nakladatelství Dokořán}, year = {2009}, author = {Simon Singh}, isbn = {978-80-7363-268-7}, } @misc{mono, author = "Wikipedie", title = "Monoalfabetická šifra --- {W}ikipedie{,} otevřená encyklopedie", year = "2010", url = "http://cs.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Monoalfabetic%6B%C3%A1_%C5%A1ifra&oldid=4959232", note = "[Online]", } @misc{vige, author = "Wikipedie", title = "Vigenèrova šifra --- {W}ikipedie{,} otevřená encyklopedie", year = "2010", url = "http://cs.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Vigen%C3%A8ro%76a_%C5%A1ifra&oldid=5253539", note = "[Online]", } @misc{transen, author = "Wikipedie", title = "Transposition cipher --- {W}ikipedia{,} The Free Encyclopedia", year = "2010", url = "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Transposition_cipher&oldid=356226371", note = "[Online]", } @misc{turing, author = "Andrew Hodges", title = "Alan Turing -- Home page", url = "http://www.turing.org.uk/turing/", note = "[Online]" } @misc{park, title = "Bletchley Park", url = "http://www.bletchleypark.org.uk/", note = "[Online]" } @book{grafy, author = "Arnošt Večerka", title = "Grafy a grafové algoritmy", year = "2007", publisher = "UPOL", url = "http://phoenix.inf.upol.cz/esf/ucebni/Grafy_a_grafove_algoritmy.pdf" } @book{cryptography, author = "Douglas R. Stinson", title = "Cryptography: Theory and Practice (Third edition)", year = "2006", publisher = "CRC Press, Inc", isbn = "978-1-58488-508-5" } @article { chip, author = "Vlastimil Klíma", title = "Utajené komunikace - 2.díl : Tajné kódy, řeč a substituce", journal = "časopis Chip", month = "červen", pages = "184-188", year = 1994 } @book{vondruska, author = "Pavel Vondruška", title = "Kryptologie, šifrování a tajná písma", year = "2006", publisher = "Albatros", isbn = "978-80-00-01888-8" }