Bc. Viktória Fedorová
Master's thesis
Women in House of Cards
Women in House of Cards
Táto práce je analyzuje a porovnává vztahy mezi hlavním hrdinou a ženskými postavami v knize, miniseriály od BBC a adaptaci od Netflixu z pohledu Foucaultovy teorie o moci. Cílem je dokázat, že hlavní hrdina reprezentuje hlídače v strukturách Panopticonu, který užívá disciplinárních taktik, aby ze žen udělal „poslušná těla“ jak jich Foucault popisuje ve své knize Dohlížet a trestat, a to vše jenom …moreAbstract:
The aim of this thesis is to analyze and compare the relations between the main protagonist and the women in the novel, the BBC miniseries and Netflix adaptation through Foucault’s theory of power to show that the main protagonist in all three works functions as the watcher in the Panopticon and uses the tactics of discipline as described in Foucault’s Discipline & Punish: The Birth of the Prison …more
Language used: English
Date on which the thesis was submitted / produced: 6. 1. 2020
Thesis defence
- Date of defence: 30. 1. 2020
- Supervisor: M.A. Jeffrey Alan Smith, Ph.D.
- Reader: prof. Mgr. Milada Franková, CSc.
Full text of thesis
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Institution archiving the thesis and making it accessible: Masarykova univerzita, Filozofická fakultaMasaryk University
Faculty of ArtsMaster programme / field:
Philology / English Language and Literature
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