Finančné riziká pri investovaní na finančnom trhu – Bc. Karol Ritter
Bc. Karol Ritter
Bachelor's thesis
Finančné riziká pri investovaní na finančnom trhu
Financial Risk in Trading on Financial Markets
Annotation RITTER, Karol: Financial risks in trading on financial markets. [Bachelor Thesis]. Banking Institute,College of Banking Prague, Foreign College Banská Bystrica. Department of Finance, Accouting and Insurance. Supervisor of Thesis: Ing. Valér Demjan PhD. Year of defence: 2013. Number of pages: 45 The aim of bachelor thesis is the characterization and analysis of financial risks and their …moreAbstract:
Anotácia RITTER, Karol: Finančné riziká pri obchodovaní na finančnom trhu. [Bakalárska práca]. Bankovní institut vysoká škola Praha, zahraničná vysoká škola Banská Bystrica. Katedra financií, účtovníctva a poisťovníctva. Vedúci práce: Ing. Valér Demjan PhD. Rok obhajoby: 2013. Počet strán: 45 Cieľom bakalárskej práce je charakteristika a analýza finančných rizík a ich finančných derivátov na finančnom …more
Language used: Slovak
Date on which the thesis was submitted / produced: 3. 5. 2013
Thesis defence
- Date of defence: 11. 6. 2013
- Supervisor: Ing. Valér Demjan, PhD.
- Reader: doc. Ing. Hussam Musa, PhD.
Citation record
ISO 690-compliant citation record:
RITTER, Karol. \textit{Finančné riziká pri investovaní na finančnom trhu}. Online. Bachelor's thesis. Praha: The College of Regional Development and Banking Institute - AMBIS, a.s., Banking Institute/College of Banking SK. 2013. Available from:
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Institution archiving the thesis and making it accessible: Vysoká škola regionálního rozvoje a Bankovní institut – AMBIS, Bankovní institut vysoká škola SKBanking Institute/College of Banking
Banking Institute/College of Banking SKBachelor programme / field:
Banking / Banking Management
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