Development and transformation of Eurasianism during the Cold War – Eurasianism in the Soviet intellectual milieu – Mgr. Michal Racyn, Ph.D.
Mgr. Michal Racyn, Ph.D.
Doctoral thesis
Development and transformation of Eurasianism during the Cold War – Eurasianism in the Soviet intellectual milieu
Development and transformation of Eurasianism during the Cold War – Eurasianism in the Soviet intellectual milieu
Disertační projekt se zabývá vývojem a proměnou Eurasijství, ideologického hnutí, které vzniklo ve 20. letech 20. století v prostředí ruské meziválečné emigrace. Těžištěm práce je reflexe historiografických a historiosofických aspektů Eurasijství v sovětském intelektuálním prostředí v období studené války. Projekt je založen na analýze archivních dokumentů týkajících se P. N. Savického, G. V. Vernadského …moreAbstract:
The dissertation project examines the development and transformation of Eurasianism, an ideological movement that originated among Russian émigrés in the 1920s. The focus of the thesis is on the adaptation of the historiographic and historiosophic aspects of Eurasianism in the Soviet intellectual milieu of the Cold War period. The project is based on the analysis of archival documents related to P …more
Language used: English
Date on which the thesis was submitted / produced: 1. 9. 2023
Thesis defence
- Date of defence: 16. 2. 2024
- Supervisor: Mgr. Josef Šaur, Ph.D.
- Reader: Prof. Mag. Dr. Wolfgang Mueller, Tanya Chebotarev, M.A.
Citation record
ISO 690-compliant citation record:
RACYN, Michal. \textit{Development and transformation of Eurasianism during the Cold War – Eurasianism in the Soviet intellectual milieu}. Online. Doctoral theses, Dissertations. Brno: Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts. 2023. Available from:
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Institution archiving the thesis and making it accessible: Masarykova univerzita, Filozofická fakultaMasaryk University
Faculty of ArtsDoctoral programme / field:
Philological Area Studies / Philological Area Studies
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