Bc. Karel Snášel

Master's thesis

Různé metody stanovení PCSK9 a jejich srovnání s ohledem na klinickou utilitu

PCSK9 measurement and method comparison with regards to clinical utility
Prace predstavuje vyvoj nove ho prototypu chemiluminiscenc ní imunoanaly zy (CLIA) pro stanovení proteinu PCSK9 na automaticke m analyza toru KleeYa, ktery byl motivova n naru stají cí potr ebou efektivní ho a rychle ho stanovení PCSK9 v souvislosti s neda vno zava de nou le c bou inhibitory PCSK9. Tato le c ba pr edstavuje zleps ení moz ností terapie hypercholesterolemie a prevence kardiovaskula rní …more
The paper presents the development of a new prototype of chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA) for the determination of PCSK9 protein on the KleeYa automated analyzer, which was motivated by the increasing need for efficient and rapid determination of PCSK9 in connection with the recently introduced treatment with PCSK9 inhibitors. This treatment represents an improvement in the therapy options for hypercholesterolemia …more
Language used: Czech
Date on which the thesis was submitted / produced: 16. 5. 2024

Thesis defence

  • Date of defence: 14. 6. 2024
  • Supervisor: doc. Ing. Martin Mandl, CSc.
  • Reader: Mgr. Jakub Sopoušek, Ph.D.

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Institution archiving the thesis and making it accessible: Masarykova univerzita, Přírodovědecká fakulta

Masaryk University

Faculty of Science

Master programme / field:
Biotechnology / Biotechnology

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