Front Pembela Islam and its potential for terrorism – Bc. Natália Pavlovičová
Bc. Natália Pavlovičová
Bachelor's thesis
Front Pembela Islam and its potential for terrorism
Front Pembela Islam and its potential for terrorism
Táto bakalárska práca sa zaoberá fenoménom islamského radikalizmu a terorizmu v Indonézii. Konkrétne sa zameriava na potenciál radikálnej islamistickej skupiny - Front Pembela Islam - k terorizmu. Tento potenciál je v práci analyzovaný v dvoch rovinách: 1) v rovine historického, kultúrneho a politického kontextu Indonézie a 2) vo vzťahu skupiny ku kľúčovým aktérom. Práca sa snaží dať odpoveď na otázky …moreAbstract:
This bachelor thesis deals with the broad issue of Islamic radicalism and terrorism in Indonesia. Specifically, it aims to reveal the potential of a radical Islamist group – Front Pembela Islam for radicalization to terrorism. This potential is analyzed in two main dimensions: 1) historical, cultural and other contextual features, and 2) a relationship of the group and the key actors. It tries to give …more
Language used: English
Date on which the thesis was submitted / produced: 14. 12. 2015
Thesis defence
- Date of defence: 18. 1. 2016
- Supervisor: Mgr. Josef Kraus, Ph.D.
- Reader: Mgr. et Mgr. Michael Murad
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Institution archiving the thesis and making it accessible: Masarykova univerzita, Fakulta sociálních studiíMasaryk University
Faculty of Social StudiesBachelor programme / field:
Political Science / Security & Strategic Studies
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