Pauline Johanna Rybka

Master's thesis

Political use and consequences of sport events

Political use and consequences of sport events
In the theory part of this thesis will examine the connection between politics and sport, including the politicization of major sport events and the particular role of non-democratic states as host nations. In the empirical part, three case studies (Summer Olympics Beijing 2008, Winter Olympics Sochi 2014, and FIFA World Cup Qatar 2018) will be analyzed in the light of how they have influenced (or …more
In the theory part of this thesis will examine the connection between politics and sport, including the politicization of major sport events and the particular role of non-democratic states as host nations. In the empirical part, three case studies (Summer Olympics Beijing 2008, Winter Olympics Sochi 2014, and FIFA World Cup Qatar 2018) will be analyzed in the light of how they have influenced (or …more
Language used: English
Date on which the thesis was submitted / produced: 19. 7. 2013

Thesis defence

  • Date of defence: 13. 6. 2014
  • Supervisor: Jan Němec
  • Reader: Martin Kuta

Citation record

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  • autentizovaným zaměstnancům ze stejné školy/fakulty
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Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze

Master programme / field:
Mezinárodní ekonomické vztahy / International and Diplomatic Studies

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