A study of the disparities between Official Development Assistance projects from the World Bank to Bosnia and Herzegovina. – Pedro Henrique BARRETO TEODORO
Master's thesis
A study of the disparities between Official Development Assistance projects from the World Bank to Bosnia and Herzegovina.
A study of the disparities between Official Development Assistance projects from the World Bank to Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The proposed research aims at the Official Development Assistance (ODA) projects promoted by the World Bank (WB) at a subnational level in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The study shall have a mixed approach of both quantitative method of research, through a Tobit analysis to identify patterns in those ODA projects; and the qualitative method, with the identification of biases and conflict that derive from …moreAbstract:
The proposed research aims at the Official Development Assistance (ODA) projects promoted by the World Bank (WB) at a subnational level in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The study shall have a mixed approach of both quantitative method of research, through a Tobit analysis to identify patterns in those ODA projects; and the qualitative method, with the identification of biases and conflict that derive from …more
Language used: English
Date on which the thesis was submitted / produced: 31. 5. 2023
Thesis defence
- Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Zdeněk Opršal, Ph.D.
Citation record
ISO 690-compliant citation record:
BARRETO TEODORO, Pedro Henrique. \textit{A study of the disparities between Official Development Assistance projects from the World Bank to Bosnia and Herzegovina.}. Online. Master's thesis. Olomouc: Palacký University Olomouc, Faculty of Science. 2023. Available from: https://theses.cz/id/7achrh/.
The right form of listing the thesis as a source quoted
BARRETO TEODORO, Pedro Henrique. A study of the disparities between Official Development Assistance projects from the World Bank to Bosnia and Herzegovina.. Olomouc, 2023. diplomová práce (Mgr.). UNIVERZITA PALACKÉHO V OLOMOUCI. Přírodovědecká fakulta
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Institution archiving the thesis and making it accessible: UNIVERZITA PALACKÉHO V OLOMOUCI, Přírodovědecká fakultaPalacký University Olomouc
Faculty of ScienceMaster programme / field:
Global Development Policy / Global Development Policy
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