The Effect of Calendar Anomalies on the Cryptocurrency Market – Yuting Song
Yuting Song
Diplomová práce
The Effect of Calendar Anomalies on the Cryptocurrency Market
The Effect of Calendar Anomalies on the Cryptocurrency Market
With the continuous development of financial markets, the traditional financial theory and the reality of the financial market are often colliding. Traditional financial theories based on investor rationality and efficient markets have been challenged like never before. A large number of empirical studies also show that financial investments are affected by subjective factors, such as peoples‘ behavior …víceAbstract:
With the continuous development of financial markets, the traditional financial theory and the reality of the financial market are often colliding. Traditional financial theories based on investor rationality and efficient markets have been challenged like never before. A large number of empirical studies also show that financial investments are affected by subjective factors, such as peoples‘ behavior …více
Jazyk práce: angličtina
Datum vytvoření / odevzdání či podání práce: 22. 4. 2022
Obhajoba závěrečné práce
- Obhajoba proběhla 24. 5. 2022
- Vedoucí: Hana Dvořáčková
- Oponent: Aleš Melecký
Citační záznam
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Ekonomická fakultaMagisterský studijní program:
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