Bc. Jan Šonský

Master's thesis

Appropriateness of ELT Materials Published in English-Speaking Countries in the Czech Context: A Case Study of the Use of Inside Out Pre-Intermediate by Czech Students

Appropriateness of ELT Materials Published in English-Speaking Countries in the Czech Context: A Case Study of the Use of Inside Out Pre-Intermediate by Czech Students
Vzhledem k tomu, že anglický jazyk je v České republice převážně vyučován jako cizí jazyk, čeští učitelé musí spoléhat na standardizované angličtiny. Je proto velmi pravděpodobné, že budou používat materiály, které jsou založeny na těchto angličtinách. Johnson ve svém článku tvrdí, že „na mezinárodním trhu s materiály na výuku anglického jazyka dominují britští nakladatelé“ (22). Není tedy překvapující …more
As English in the Czech Republic is mostly taught as a foreign language, Czech teachers have to rely on standardised varieties of English and, thus, are very likely to use ELT materials which promote them. According to Johnson, “British publishers […] control a large portion of the ELT market internationally” (22). It is then no surprise that most Czech teachers use textbooks published in the United …more
Language used: English
Date on which the thesis was submitted / produced: 2. 6. 2009

Thesis defence

  • Date of defence: 15. 6. 2009
  • Supervisor: M.A. James Edward Thomas

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Institution archiving the thesis and making it accessible: Masarykova univerzita, Filozofická fakulta

Masaryk University

Faculty of Arts

Master programme / field:
Teacher Training for Secondary Schools / Upper Secondary School Teacher Training in English Language and Literature