Tradução comentada dum fragmento escolhido do romance A mulher que escreveu a Bíblia de Moacyr Scliar – Bc. Natália Pižemová
Bc. Natália Pižemová
Master's thesis
Tradução comentada dum fragmento escolhido do romance A mulher que escreveu a Bíblia de Moacyr Scliar
Commented Translation of the Part of the Novel A Mulher que Escreveu a Bíblia Written by Moacyr Scliar
This thesis deals with translation of a selected part from the novel A Mulher que Escreveu a Bíblia by brazilian writer Moacyr Scliar. Theoretical part discusses brief presentation of the author and literary analysis of the book. Practical part consists of the translation of the selected part from Portuguese to Slovak and also consists of the commentary of problems which appeared during the translating …moreAbstract:
Táto diplomová práca sa venuje prekladu vybranej časti románu A mulher que escreveu a Bíblia od brazílskeho spisovateľa Moacyra Scliara. Teoretická časť sa venuje stručnému predstaveniu autora a literárnej analýze diela. Praktickú časť tvorí preklad vybraného fragmentu z portugalčiny do slovenčiny a komentár prekladateľských problémov, ktoré sa vyskytli v priebehu prekladu.
Language used: Portuguese
Date on which the thesis was submitted / produced: 2. 9. 2014
Thesis defence
- Date of defence: 10. 9. 2014
- Supervisor: PhDr. Zuzana Burianová, Ph.D.
Citation record
ISO 690-compliant citation record:
PIŽEMOVÁ, Natália. \textit{Tradu\c cão comentada dum fragmento escolhido do romance A mulher que escreveu a Bíblia de Moacyr Scliar}. Online. Master's thesis. Brno: Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts. 2014. Available from:
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Institution archiving the thesis and making it accessible: Masarykova univerzita, Filozofická fakultaMasaryk University
Faculty of ArtsMaster programme / field:
Philology / Portuguese Language and Literature
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