Verification of Technical Analysis Rules using Matlab – Anlan Wang
Anlan Wang
Master's thesis
Verification of Technical Analysis Rules using Matlab
Verification of Technical Analysis Rules using Matlab
In this thesis, we verify technical analysis based on the historical trading data of EUR/USD currency pair and the historical trading data of the stock of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. Technical analysis is the study of prices in freely traded markets with the intent of making profitable trading or investment decisions. The main instruments which are used in technical analysis are charts, indicators and …moreAbstract:
In this thesis, we verify technical analysis based on the historical trading data of EUR/USD currency pair and the historical trading data of the stock of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. Technical analysis is the study of prices in freely traded markets with the intent of making profitable trading or investment decisions. The main instruments which are used in technical analysis are charts, indicators and …more
Language used: English
Date on which the thesis was submitted / produced: 27. 4. 2018
Thesis defence
- Date of defence: 29. 5. 2018
- Supervisor: Aleš Kresta
- Reader: Martina Novotná
Citation record
Full text of thesis
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Institution archiving the thesis and making it accessible: VŠB - Technická univerzita OstravaVŠB - Technical University of Ostrava
Ekonomická fakultaMaster programme / field:
Hospodářská politika a správa / Finance