Bc. Mária Hudčeková

Bachelor's thesis

Vnitřní jezuitské misie na Moravě v 18. století

The Inner Jesuit Missions in the 18th-c. Moravia
This bachelor’s thesis depicts missions of the members of the Society of Jesus performed in Moravia in the 18th century as a part of the Catholic Counter-Reformation. A mission executed in a Silesian town Tarnowitz and financed from the Jesuit residence in Brno in the 18th century was chosen for the description of Jesuit missions as such. The foundation of a Jesuit mission, its course, activities realised …more
Táto bakalárska práca sa zaoberá rekatolizačnými misiami rádu Spoločnosti Ježišovej na Morave v 18. storočí. Pre popis jezuitských misií bola zvolená misia v sliezskom meste Tarnovice, ktorú v 18. storočí financovali jezuiti z Brna. Na základe prameňov Litterae annuae a korešpondencie misionárov z tejto misie sa na pozadí náboženských a politických pomerov analyzuje založenie jezuitskej misie, jej …more
Language used: Slovak
Date on which the thesis was submitted / produced: 18. 5. 2022

Thesis defence

  • Date of defence: 15. 6. 2022
  • Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Tomáš Malý, Ph.D.
  • Reader: PhDr. Bronislav Chocholáč, Dr.

Citation record

Full text of thesis

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  • světu
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Institution archiving the thesis and making it accessible: Masarykova univerzita, Filozofická fakulta