Bc. Elishka JOSIPOVIC, BA.

Master's thesis

Gender Based Violence and Human Rights In the Midst of COVID19

Gender Based Violence and Human Rights in the Midst of Covid-19
Language used: English
Date on which the thesis was submitted / produced: 25. 7. 2023

Thesis defence

  • Supervisor: doc. JUDr. Ondřej Svaček, LL.M. Ph.D.

Citation record

The right form of listing the thesis as a source quoted

JOSIPOVIC, Elishka. Gender Based Violence and Human Rights In the Midst of COVID19. Olomouc, 2023. diplomová práce (Mgr.). UNIVERZITA PALACKÉHO V OLOMOUCI. Právnická fakulta

Full text of thesis

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  • světu
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Institution archiving the thesis and making it accessible: UNIVERZITA PALACKÉHO V OLOMOUCI, Právnická fakulta

Palacký University Olomouc

Faculty of Law

Master programme / field:
International and European Law / International and European Law

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