Syntéza a reaktivita \recke{eta}\hindex{6}- koordinovaných Ru(II) komplexů – Bc. Ondřej Moždiak
Bc. Ondřej Moždiak
Master's thesis
Syntéza a reaktivita \recke{eta}\hindex{6}- koordinovaných Ru(II) komplexů
Synthesis and reactivity of \recke{eta}\hindex{6}-coordianted Ru(II) complexes
Tato diplomova prace se zabyva syntezou, reaktivitou a vyu.itim ?Ĺ6-koordinovanych ruthenatych komplex.. V teoreticke .asti jsou p.edstaveny jejich vybrane katalyticke aplikace a popsany jednotlive typy ligand. vyu.itych ke stabilizaci ruthenatych centralnich atom. po.inaje arenovymi ligandy, nasleduji donorni ligandy na bazi prvk. 14. - 16. skupiny a malo prozkoumane akceptorni a ambifilni ligandy …moreAbstract:
This thesis deals with the synthesis, reactivity and utilization of ç6-coordinated Ru(II) complexes. In the theoretical part, their selected catalytic applications are presented and the different types of ligands used to stabilize the ruthenium central atoms are described, starting with arene ligands, followed by donor ligands based on group 14-16 elements and the little studied acceptor and ambiphilic …more
Language used: Czech
Date on which the thesis was submitted / produced: 12. 7. 2021
Accessible from:: 31. 12. 2999
Thesis defence
- Supervisor: prof. Ing. Roman Jambor, Ph.D.
Citation record
ISO 690-compliant citation record:
MOŽDIAK, Ondřej. \textit{Syntéza a reaktivita $\backslash$recke$\{$eta$\}\backslash$hindex$\{$6$\}$- koordinovaných Ru(II) komplexů}. Online. Master's thesis. Pardubice: University of Pardubice, Faculty of Chemical Technology. 2021. Available from:
The right form of listing the thesis as a source quoted
Moždiak, Ondřej. Syntéza a reaktivita \recke{eta}\hindex{6}- koordinovaných Ru(II) komplexů. Pardubice, 2021. diplomová práce (Ing.). Univerzita Pardubice. Fakulta chemicko-technologická
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Institution archiving the thesis and making it accessible: Univerzita Pardubice, Fakulta chemicko-technologickáUniversity of Pardubice
Faculty of Chemical TechnologyMaster programme / field:
Chemistry / Inorganic ane Bioinorganic Chemistry
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