Dagmar Václavíková

Bachelor's thesis

Proposal of Water Purification Technologies for contaminated water from the Pulp and Paper Industry Company, Lake Toba region of North Sumatra, Indonesia

Lake Toba and its outflow the Asahan river are located in the region of North Sumatra, Indonesia. Over the last few decades, the quality of the local environment, including water sources, has been very badly affected since Indonesia is one of the world’s largest pulp and paper producers, which generates both an environmental and a social burden. The main cause of pollution is attributed to a pulp and …more
Language used: English
Date on which the thesis was submitted / produced: 14. 5. 2020

Thesis defence

  • Supervisor: doc. Ing. Vladimír Krepl, CSc.

Citation record

Full text of thesis

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Institution archiving the thesis and making it accessible: Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, Fakulta tropického zemědělství

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences

Bachelor programme / field:
Tropical Agriculture / International Cooperation in Agriculture and Rural Development

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Theses nd3v9a nd3v9a/2
Mach, J.
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