Unconventional monetary tools adopted by ECB and FED from 2008 until 2014 – Lenka Šetková
Lenka Šetková
Diplomová práce
Unconventional monetary tools adopted by ECB and FED from 2008 until 2014
Unconventional monetary tools adopted by ECB and FED from 2008 until 2014
Both the ECB and the Fed implemented various unconventional measures in response to the last crisis. While the ECB's policies were based on direct lending to banks, the FED adopted large-scale asset purchases. According to the empirical evidence these policies had economically beneficial effects in the US and the Eurozone but these measures have also certain spillovers which scope and exact impacts …víceAbstract:
Both the ECB and the Fed implemented various unconventional measures in response to the last crisis. While the ECB's policies were based on direct lending to banks, the FED adopted large-scale asset purchases. According to the empirical evidence these policies had economically beneficial effects in the US and the Eurozone but these measures have also certain spillovers which scope and exact impacts …více
Jazyk práce: angličtina
Datum vytvoření / odevzdání či podání práce: 1. 11. 2014
Obhajoba závěrečné práce
- Obhajoba proběhla 11. 1. 2016
- Vedoucí: Pavel Hnát
- Oponent: Peter Clayes
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Instituce archivující a zpřístupňující práci: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Prazehttp://www.vse.cz/vskp/eid/48793
Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Magisterský studijní program:
Economics of Globalisation and European Integration
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