The sustainable urban mobility plans in the EU and their relevance to car manufacturers - a concept of future mobility – Felix Von Geldern
Felix Von Geldern
Master's thesis
The sustainable urban mobility plans in the EU and their relevance to car manufacturers - a concept of future mobility
The Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans in the EU and their relevance to car manufacturers - a concept of future mobility
Emerging trends, innovation and new technologies are predicted to change the paradigm of passenger mobility. Simultaneously, governments are promoting the approach of sustainability awareness. On a European level, Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans are being developed to streamline these trends and assure sustainable interaction between social welfare, environmental protection and economic growth. There …viacAbstract:
Emerging trends, innovation and new technologies are predicted to change the paradigm of passenger mobility. Simultaneously, governments are promoting the approach of sustainability awareness. On a European level, Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans are being developed to streamline these trends and assure sustainable interaction between social welfare, environmental protection and economic growth. There …viac
Jazyk práce: English
Datum vytvoření / odevzdání či podání práce: 21. 11. 2019
Obhajoba závěrečné práce
- Obhajoba proběhla 4. 6. 2020
- Vedúci: Petr Kolář
- Oponent: Fabian Piechottka
Citační záznam
Citace dle ISO 690:
VON GELDERN, Felix. \textit{The sustainable urban mobility plans in the EU and their relevance to car manufacturers - a~concept of future mobility}. Online. Diplomová práca. Praha: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze. 2019. Dostupné z:
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Instituce archivující a zpřístupňující práci: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Master programme / odbor:
Ekonomika a management / International Management
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