B.Sc. Loveth Daisy Aikowe, M.Sc.

Doctoral thesis

Pro-Environmental Awareness and Behaviour of Nigerian University Students

This thesis seeks to address the issue of environmental literacy and pro-environmental behaviours of Nigerian university students based on two articles recently published by author. Through a focus on plastic waste sorting intentions and an assessment of sustainability knowledge, pro-environmental awareness and behaviour of Nigerian university students is examined. The Theory of Planned Behaviour …more
Language used: English
Date on which the thesis was submitted / produced: 16. 5. 2022

Thesis defence

  • Supervisor: Ing. Jana Mazancová, Ph.D.
  • Reader: Jana Dlouhá, externi, Zdeněk Opršal, externi, Miloslav Lapka, externi

Citation record

Full text of thesis

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Institution archiving the thesis and making it accessible: Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, Fakulta tropického zemědělství

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague

Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences

Doctoral programme / field:
Agricultural Specialization / Sustainable Rural Development in the Tropics And Subtropics

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