Ing. Kateryna Guryshkina

Diplomová práce

Subsequent performance of Initial Public Offerings in Germany during the period 2007-2012

Subsequent performance of Initial Public Offerings in Germany during the period 2007-2012
Intial public offering became one of the most popular ways to acquire additional equity among companies of different size and industries. It was already documented before in financial literarture that perfromance of companies drops after they go public. Therefore this paper attempted to test and to analyze if aftermarket and operating performance declines for selected companies after they go public …více
Intial public offering became one of the most popular ways to acquire additional equity among companies of different size and industries. It was already documented before in financial literarture that perfromance of companies drops after they go public. Therefore this paper attempted to test and to analyze if aftermarket and operating performance declines for selected companies after they go public …více
Jazyk práce: angličtina
Datum vytvoření / odevzdání či podání práce: 22. 5. 2015

Obhajoba závěrečné práce

  • Obhajoba proběhla 22. 6. 2015
  • Vedoucí: Ing. Dagmar Linnertová, Ph.D.
  • Oponent: Ing. Bc. Jana Hvozdenská

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Instituce archivující a zpřístupňující práci: Masarykova univerzita, Ekonomicko-správní fakulta

Masarykova univerzita

Ekonomicko-správní fakulta

Magisterský studijní program / obor:
Hospodářská politika a správa / Finanční podnikání (angl.)