Systémy autonomních diferenciálních rovnic a jejich analýza – Bc. Lenka Katráková
Bc. Lenka Katráková
Bachelor's thesis
Systémy autonomních diferenciálních rovnic a jejich analýza
Systems of autonomous differential equations and their analysis
In this bachelor thesis, we investigate critical points, including critical points at infinity. The aim was to determine their type and to summarize the theory regarding the solution of autonomous systems. In this framework, different methods of solving equations were used. This thesis also focuses on nonlinear systems in which we used linearization. At the end, we deal with critical points at infinity …moreAbstract:
V tejto bakalárskej práci sa venujeme vyšetrovaniu singulárnych bodov, vrátane singulárnych bodov v nekonecne. Cielom bolo urcit ich typ a zhrnút teóriu týkajúcu sa riešenia autonómnych systémov. V rámci toho boli využité rôzne metódy riešenia sústav rovníc. Táto práca poukazuje aj na nelineárne systémy, pri ktorých sme využívali linearizáciu. V závere sa venujeme singulárnym bodom v nekonecne a ich …more
Language used: Slovak
Date on which the thesis was submitted / produced: 29. 5. 2018
Thesis defence
- Date of defence: 28. 6. 2018
- Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Josef Kalas, CSc.
- Reader: RNDr. Iva Dřímalová
Citation record
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Institution archiving the thesis and making it accessible: Masarykova univerzita, Přírodovědecká fakultaMasaryk University
Faculty of ScienceBachelor programme / field:
Mathematics / Financial and Insurance Mathematics
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