
The VARMAX Procedure

The Varmax Procedure

Number of Observations

Number of Observations 41
Number of Pairwise Missing 0

Summary Statistics

Simple Summary Statistics
Variable Type N Mean Standard
Min Max Label
ln_gdp Dependent 41 12.08651 0.63937 11.19265 13.30277 ln_gdp
export_value Dependent 41 10.44624 0.88418 8.96221 11.91551 export_value
ln_debt Dependent 41 9.19007 0.54368 8.28632 10.06017 ln_debt

The VARMAX Procedure


Type of Model

Type of Model VAR(1)
Estimation Method Least Squares Estimation

Model Parameter Estimates

Model Parameter Estimates
Equation Parameter Estimate Standard
t Value Pr > |t| Variable
ln_gdp CONST1 0.64512 1.28080 0.50 0.6176 1
  AR1_1_1 0.76028 0.17300 4.39 0.0001 ln_gdp(t-1)
  AR1_1_2 0.12666 0.12886 0.98 0.3322 export_value(t-1)
  AR1_1_3 0.10247 0.07205 1.42 0.1636 ln_debt(t-1)
export_value CONST2 -3.52572 1.56473 -2.25 0.0304 1
  AR1_2_1 0.47770 0.21135 2.26 0.0300 ln_gdp(t-1)
  AR1_2_2 0.57186 0.15742 3.63 0.0009 export_value(t-1)
  AR1_2_3 0.24463 0.08802 2.78 0.0086 ln_debt(t-1)
ln_debt CONST3 2.73255 1.56419 1.75 0.0892 1
  AR1_3_1 -0.15389 0.21128 -0.73 0.4711 ln_gdp(t-1)
  AR1_3_2 0.02796 0.15737 0.18 0.8600 export_value(t-1)
  AR1_3_3 0.87393 0.08799 9.93 0.0001 ln_debt(t-1)

Multivariate Diagnostics

Covariances of Innovations

Covariances of Innovations
Variable ln_gdp export_value ln_debt
ln_gdp 0.04331 0.02686 0.00474
export_value 0.02686 0.06464 0.02478
ln_debt 0.00474 0.02478 0.06460


Log-likelihood 128.1713

Information Criteria

Information Criteria
AICC -187.771
HQC -209.351
AIC -220.343
SBC -189.943
FPEC 0.00015