Marketing communication models and surveillance economy – Ing. Bogdan Santovac
Ing. Bogdan Santovac
Master's thesis
Marketing communication models and surveillance economy
Marketing communication models and surveillance economy
This thesis researches surveillance economy and marketing communication models in the online marketing communications environment. In the first part, after the lay out of the research methodology, relevant literature is reviewed with the focus on the surveillance economy, consumer behaviour in such an environment and the role of social media, search engines and other online platforms. Further on, marketing …moreAbstract:
This thesis researches surveillance economy and marketing communication models in the online marketing communications environment. In the first part, after the lay out of the research methodology, relevant literature is reviewed with the focus on the surveillance economy, consumer behaviour in such an environment and the role of social media, search engines and other online platforms. Further on, marketing …more
Language used: English
Date on which the thesis was submitted / produced: 6. 1. 2020
Thesis defence
- Date of defence: 4. 2. 2020
- Supervisor: doc. Ing. Alena Klapalová, Ph.D.
- Reader: Ing. Dušan Mladenović, Ph.D.
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Institution archiving the thesis and making it accessible: Masarykova univerzita, Ekonomicko-správní fakultaMasaryk University
Faculty of Economics and AdministrationMaster programme / field:
Economy and Management / Business Management (Eng.)
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