Interpretation techniques for deep neural networks in digital histopathology – Bc. Martin Krebs
Bc. Martin Krebs
Bachelor's thesis
Interpretation techniques for deep neural networks in digital histopathology
Interpretation techniques for deep neural networks in digital histopathology
Skupina RationAI natrénovala konvolučnú neurónovú sieť, ktorá predpovedá výskyt rakoviny prostaty v digitálnych snímkach tkaniva. Naším cieľom je vedieť dostatočne rýchlo vysvetliť správanie tejto siete. Preskúmame niekoľko metód, ktoré produkujú vizuálne podobné výsledky ako súčasná, pomalá metóda Oklúzie. Aby sme zaistili kvalitu testovaných metód, nastavíme a vyhodnotíme 5 kvantitatívnych metrík …moreAbstract:
RationAI group trained a convolutional neural network model that can reliably predict the presence of prostate cancer in digitized tissue samples. Our goal is to find an explainability method to help us understand those predictions in a reasonable time. We review several popular explainability methods that produce visually similar results to the current, notably slow solution based on Occlusion. To …more
Language used: English
Date on which the thesis was submitted / produced: 23. 5. 2024
Thesis defence
- Date of defence: 24. 6. 2024
- Supervisor: RNDr. Vít Musil, Ph.D.
- Reader: Anselm Paulus
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Institution archiving the thesis and making it accessible: Masarykova univerzita, Fakulta informatikyMasaryk University
Faculty of InformaticsBachelor programme / field:
Informatics / Informatics
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