Mgr. Tibor Žingora

Master's thesis

Rómovia a Vietnamci očami väčšinovej spoločnosti: Úloha hrozby vo vzťahu medziskupinového kontaktu a postojov

Roma and Vietnamese Through the Eyes of Majority Group: The role of Threat in the Relationship Between Intergroup Contact and Attitudes
In this study, we examined the relationship between different types of contact of Czech population (N = 820) with two minority groups (Roma and Vietnamese) and attitudes toward them. We hypothesized to find differences in the impact of contact on attitudes and also in the impact of intergroup threat on the relationship of contact and attitudes between Roma and Vietnamese, because of distinguishable …more
V tejto štúdii sme skúmali vzťah medzi rôznymi typmi kontaktu českej populácie (N = 820) s dvoma menšinovými skupinami (Rómami a Vietnamcami) a postojmi voči nim. Predpokladali sme, že nájdeme rozdiely vo vplyve kontaktu na postoje i vo vplyve medziskupinovej hrozby na vzťah kontaktu a postojov medzi Rómami a Vietnamcami kvôli rozdielnemu stereotypu a iným vzťahom s Čechmi. Respondenti mali horšie …more
Language used: Slovak
Date on which the thesis was submitted / produced: 6. 5. 2014

Thesis defence

  • Date of defence: 28. 5. 2014
  • Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Sylvie Graf, Ph.D.

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Institution archiving the thesis and making it accessible: Masarykova univerzita, Filozofická fakulta