--drop table advert_sample_. select * from advert_sample_10 CREATE TABLE CL_ADVERT_SAMPLE_&period AS SELECT * FROM ( SELECT f.*, case when f.last_date-f.first_date <= &period then 1 else 0 end sold_flag, count(distinct systemid) over (partition by brand) as brand_cnt FROM flat_file_&period f where 1=1 --and carosery not in ('OTHER') --and not (usedsince > to_date('20160101','yyyymmdd') and usedsince != to_date('29991231','yyyymmdd')) --and not (km > 1000000 and carosery not in ('OTHER')) ORDER BY dbms_random.value ) WHERE rownum <= 50000 ; select sold_flag, count(*) from advert_sample_&period group by sold_flag; select * from advert_sample_&period where cubiccapacity > 20000 trunc(cubiccapacity/10) hpower power --and brand not in ('','','') select * from advert_sample_&period where km > 500000; select * from advert_sample_&period where km_netto_delta < -500000; select * from advert_sample_&period where km_netto_delta > 500000; select * from advert_sample_&period where usage = -85; select * from report where systemid = '670962fc9f077dc16859615ff2adaaa8'; select * from advert_sample_&period where brand = 'Zetor'