Limits of Compensation of Damages in Private Enforcement of Competition Law (Umbrella Pricing) – Bc. Jan Kupčík
Bc. Jan Kupčík
Master's thesis
Limits of Compensation of Damages in Private Enforcement of Competition Law (Umbrella Pricing)
Limits of Compensation of Damages in Private Enforcement of Competition Law (Umbrella Pricing)
Efekt cenového deštníku vytváří specifickou situaci na trhu. Škoda vznikne, když konkurent porušitele reaguje na zvýšení ceny stejnou mincí. Jeho zákazníci jsou poškozeni navýšením ceny. Škoda byla podnícena protisoutěžním jednáním dominanta nebo kartelu. Příčinná souvislost nicméně zůstává nejistá, neboť hodnocení kauzality se u jednotlivých teorií liší. Směrnice o náhradě škody není dostatečná pro …moreAbstract:
An umbrella effect creates a specific situation on a market. Harm occurs when a competitor of a tortfeasor reacts to an increase of a price by the same means. His customers are damaged by an overcharge. Harm was inflicted by an anti-competitive behaviour of a dominant or a cartel. A causal link however remains unclear, because results regarding causation differ under respective theories. The Directive …more
Language used: English
Date on which the thesis was submitted / produced: 31. 3. 2017
Thesis defence
- Date of defence: 15. 6. 2017
- Supervisor: prof. JUDr. Josef Bejček, CSc.
- Reader: doc. JUDr. Ing. Josef Šilhán, Ph.D.
Citation record
ISO 690-compliant citation record:
KUPČÍK, Jan. \textit{Limits of Compensation of Damages in Private Enforcement of Competition Law (Umbrella Pricing)}. Online. Master's thesis. Brno: Masaryk University, Faculty of Law. 2017. Available from:
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Institution archiving the thesis and making it accessible: Masarykova univerzita, Právnická fakultaMasaryk University
Faculty of LawMaster programme / field:
Law and Legal Science / Law
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