Bachelor's thesis
Návratová migrace z USA do Mexika
Return migration from USA to Mexico
Tato bakalarska prace se zabyva tematem navratove migrace z USA do Mexika. V prubehu spolecne historie techto dvou statu dochazelo k velke migraci Mexicanu do USA. Delo se tak z duvodu velkych ekonomickych rozdilu mezi uvedenymi staty. Velka cast migrantu se v rozvinutejsich Spojenych statech usadila na delsi dobu. S postupnym rozvojem Mexika a zlepsovanim jeho ekonomicke situace se zvysuje pocet lidi …moreAbstract:
This bachelor thesis deals with the theme of return migration from USA to Mexico. During the common history of these two states, there was a large migration of Mexicans to the US. This was done because of the great economic differences between these two states. Many migrants have settled in the more developed United States for a long time. With the ongoing development of Mexico and the improvement …more
Language used: Czech
Date on which the thesis was submitted / produced: 2. 5. 2018
Thesis defence
- Supervisor: Lucie Macková, M.A.
Citation record
The right form of listing the thesis as a source quoted
POKORNÝ, Tomáš. Návratová migrace z USA do Mexika. Olomouc, 2018. bakalářská práce (Bc.). UNIVERZITA PALACKÉHO V OLOMOUCI. Přírodovědecká fakulta
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Institution archiving the thesis and making it accessible: UNIVERZITA PALACKÉHO V OLOMOUCI, Přírodovědecká fakultaPALACKÝ UNIVERSITY OLOMOUC
Faculty of ScienceBachelor programme / field:
Geography / International Development Studies
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