Bc. Igor Chalás
Master's thesis
Snímanie pohybu tváre a animácia 3D modelu
Facial motion capture and 3D model animation
This paper presents a complex approach to integrating automated face animation to the virtual reality framework. Our solution is based on interconnection with motion capture system. First, data obtained from actor's face are calibrated according to 3D model. After that we solve point clouds matching for each frame and detected changes determine face expression. We use pure geometry technique for 3D …moreAbstract:
V práci je prezentovaný komplexný prístup k integrácii automatizovanej animácie tváre do prostredia virtuálnej reality. Prezentované riešenie je založené na spojení so systémom snímania pohybu. Získané dáta z tváre herca sú najskôr skalibrované s 3D modelom. Pre každý snímok je následne riešené párovanie získaného mraku bodov a detekované zmeny určujú mimiku tváre. Pre animáciu 3D modelu je použitá …more
Language used: Slovak
Date on which the thesis was submitted / produced: 30. 5. 2011
Thesis defence
- Date of defence: 28. 6. 2011
- Supervisor: RNDr. Vít Kovalčík, Ph.D.
- Reader: RNDr. Petr Beneš, Ph.D.
Full text of thesis
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Institution archiving the thesis and making it accessible: Masarykova univerzita, Fakulta informatikyMasaryk University
Faculty of InformaticsMaster programme / field:
Informatics / Computer Graphics
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