Bc. Juraj Markuš

Bachelor's thesis

Veřejný koncert ze dne 1. 3. 2021

Public concert from 1. 3. 2021
Projekt je zaměřený na jazz-fusion hudbu. Naše sestava pro koncert je kvinteto (kytara, piáno, trúbka, bici elektrická basa).
The project is focused on jazz-fusion music. Our group is based on quintet (guitar, piano, trumpet, drums and electric bass).
Language used: Czech
Date on which the thesis was submitted / produced: 17. 5. 2021

Thesis defence

  • Date of defence: 10. 6. 2021
  • Supervisor: doc. MgA. Vilém Spílka
  • Reader: MgA. Jiří Levíček

Citation record

Full text of thesis

Contents of on-line thesis archive
Published in Theses:
  • světu
Other ways of accessing the text
Institution archiving the thesis and making it accessible: Janáčkova akademie múzických umění v Brně, Hudební fakulta