Web Interface for Adaptive Training at the KYPO Cyber Range Platform – Bc. Boris Jaduš
Bc. Boris Jaduš
Master's thesis
Web Interface for Adaptive Training at the KYPO Cyber Range Platform
Web Interface for Adaptive Training at the KYPO Cyber Range Platform
Cieľom diplomovej práce je navrhnúť a vytvoriť novú sadu front-endových komponentov vhodných pre tvorbu, správu a organizáciu nových adaptívnych KYPO CRP školení o kybernetickom zabezpečení. V práci je tiež popísané KYPO CRP, jeho prípady použitia, aktuálny typ lineárneho tréningu a jeho back-endových komponentov. Práca ďalej popisuje teóriu adaptívneho učenia a koncepčné podrobnosti nového adaptívneho …moreAbstract:
This thesis aims to design and create a new set of front-end components suitable for the creation, management, and organization of the new adaptive cybersecurity training sessions of the KYPO CRP. This thesis also describes KYPO CRP, its use cases, current linear training type, and its back-end components. It further describes the theory of adaptive learning and conceptual details of the new adaptive …more
Language used: English
Date on which the thesis was submitted / produced: 18. 5. 2021
Thesis defence
- Date of defence: 23. 6. 2021
- Supervisor: doc. Ing. Pavel Čeleda, Ph.D.
- Reader: RNDr. Jan Vykopal, Ph.D.
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Institution archiving the thesis and making it accessible: Masarykova univerzita, Fakulta informatikyMasaryk University
Faculty of InformaticsMaster programme / field:
Applied Informatics / Service Science, Management and Engineering
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