Poisson-disk Sub-sampling for 3D Scans of Human Faces – Bc. Karol Kováč
Bc. Karol Kováč
Bachelor's thesis
Poisson-disk Sub-sampling for 3D Scans of Human Faces
Poisson-disk Sub-sampling for 3D Scans of Human Faces
Táto práca sa zameriava na podvzorkovanie 3D skenov ľudských tvárí v aplikácii Fidentis Analyst II a jeho dopad na presnosť výpočtu symetrie a zarovnania tvárí pri párovom porovnávaní. Hustota bodov v modeloch tvárí sa líši na rôznych častiach tváre. Cieľ tejto práce je implementovať vzorkovaciu stratégiu s rovnomerným rozložením vzoriek po celom povrchu modelu, bez ohľadu na rôzne lokálne hnusoty …moreAbstract:
This thesis focuses on the downsampling of 3D scans of human faces in the Fidentis Analyst II application and its impact on the precision of face symmetry computation and mesh alignment in pair comparison of faces. The vertex density of meshes varies across different face regions. This thesis aims to implement a sampling strategy with a uniform distribution of samples on the mesh surface, regardless …more
Language used: English
Date on which the thesis was submitted / produced: 18. 5. 2023
Thesis defence
- Date of defence: 26. 6. 2023
- Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Radek Ošlejšek, Ph.D.
- Reader: prof. Ing. Jiří Sochor, CSc.
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Institution archiving the thesis and making it accessible: Masarykova univerzita, Fakulta informatikyMasaryk University
Faculty of InformaticsBachelor programme / field:
Informatics / Informatics
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