Surface Urban Heat Island in Prague: Retrospective Analysis, Heat-Related Mortality Links, and COVID-19 Lockdown Effect – Ing. Tugba Dogan
Ing. Tugba Dogan
Doctoral thesis
Surface Urban Heat Island in Prague: Retrospective Analysis, Heat-Related Mortality Links, and COVID-19 Lockdown Effect
In the face of escalating climate change, the frequency and intensity of heatwaves are projected to rise. Concurrently, the urban heat island effect exacerbates the adverse impacts of heatwaves, leading to an increase in heat-related mortality. To effectively address these mounting challenges, it is imperative to gain a comprehensive understanding of the effects of environmental changes on urban heat …more
Language used: English
Date on which the thesis was submitted / produced: 21. 3. 2024
Thesis defence
- Supervisor: Mgr. Aleš Urban, Ph.D.
- Reader: Peter Kumble, Ph.D., doc., Lena Halounová, externi, Aziz ŞİŞMAN, externi
Citation record
ISO 690-compliant citation record:
DOGAN, Tugba. \textit{Surface Urban Heat Island in Prague: Retrospective Analysis, Heat-Related Mortality Links, and COVID-19 Lockdown Effect}. Online. Doctoral theses, Dissertations. Praha: Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Environmental Sciences. 2024. Available from:
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Institution archiving the thesis and making it accessible: Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, Fakulta životního prostředíCzech University of Life Sciences Prague
Faculty of Environmental SciencesDoctoral programme / field:
Landscape Engineering / Environmental Modelling
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