Morale sessuale tra Giovanni Paolo II e Zygmunt Bauman – Bc. Mariano ZANOLLI
Bc. Mariano ZANOLLI
Master's thesis
Morale sessuale tra Giovanni Paolo II e Zygmunt Bauman
Sexual morals between Giovanni Paolo II and Zygmunt Bauman
This thesis will deal with the discussion of sexual morality. The views of two characters will be presented, St. John Paul II and Zygmunt Bauman, compared with each other and analyzed the various differences.Abstract:
Tato diplomová práce se bude zabývat diskuzí o sexuální morálce. Budou představeny pohledy dvou postav, sv. Jana Pavla II. a Zygmunta Baumana, porovnáný mezi sebou a rozebráný různé rozdíly.
Language used: Italian
Date on which the thesis was submitted / produced: 29. 3. 2023
Thesis defence
- Supervisor: M.A. Emanuele Lacca, Ph.D.
Citation record
ISO 690-compliant citation record:
ZANOLLI, Mariano. \textit{Morale sessuale tra Giovanni Paolo II e Zygmunt Bauman}. Online. Master's thesis. České Budějovice: University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Faculty of Theology. 2023. Available from:
The right form of listing the thesis as a source quoted
ZANOLLI, Mariano. Morale sessuale tra Giovanni Paolo II e Zygmunt Bauman. České Budějovice, 2023. diplomová práce (Mgr.). JIHOČESKÁ UNIVERZITA V ČESKÝCH BUDĚJOVICÍCH. Teologická fakulta
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Institution archiving the thesis and making it accessible: JIHOČESKÁ UNIVERZITA V ČESKÝCH BUDĚJOVICÍCH, Teologická fakultaUNIVERSITY OF SOUTH BOHEMIA IN ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE
Faculty of TheologyMaster programme / field:
Theology / Theology
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