Financial Analysis of Business Plan – Ing. Forough Raoufiboroujeni
Ing. Forough Raoufiboroujeni
Master's thesis
Financial Analysis of Business Plan
Financial Analysis of Business Plan
V několika minulých letech se íránská ekonomika vymanila ze zajetí nadměrné míry inflace (větší než 40%) a dosáhla ekonomického růstu většího než 8 % (z -7%). Z tohoto důvodu má tato ekonomika vhodné podmínky a dobrý potenciál pro růst. Na druhou stranu, od té doby co se tato ekonomika po mnoho let potýkala s dvojnásobnou mírou inflace, několik odvětví ekonomiky čelí vážným problémům. Jedním z těchto …moreAbstract:
In the few past years the economy of Iran has been released from captivity of inordinate inflation rates (bigger than 40%) and reached economic growth of bigger than 8% from -7%. Therefore, this economy has appropriate condition and good potential to growth. On the other hand, since this economy has been frayed with double digit inflation rates for many years, several parts of it face with serious …more
Language used: English
Date on which the thesis was submitted / produced: 4. 5. 2017
Thesis defence
- Date of defence: 19. 6. 2017
- Supervisor: MBA Jaromír Stemberg
- Reader: Ing. Kateřina Kalinová
Full text of thesis
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Institution archiving the thesis and making it accessible: Vysoká škola finanční a správníUniversity of Finance and Administration
Master programme / field:
Economics and Management / Business Management and Corporate Finance
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