Albania and European Social Model: Convergences and Divergences between different welfare states – Mgr. Jorida Skënderasi
Mgr. Jorida Skënderasi
Diplomová práce
Albania and European Social Model: Convergences and Divergences between different welfare states
Albania and European Social Model: Convergences and Divergences between different welfare states
The end of the Cold War and the collapse of Soviet Union led most of the former communist countries from a totalitarian Soviet system to an open process, described by Huntington, as a process of a “third wave of democratization”. And Albania after 1990 faced with the necessity of installing a democratic political system. Democratization together with the transformation of the communist welfare-state …víceAbstract:
The end of the Cold War and the collapse of Soviet Union led most of the former communist countries from a totalitarian Soviet system to an open process, described by Huntington, as a process of a “third wave of democratization”. And Albania after 1990 faced with the necessity of installing a democratic political system. Democratization together with the transformation of the communist welfare-state …více
Jazyk práce: angličtina
Datum vytvoření / odevzdání či podání práce: 15. 5. 2017
Obhajoba závěrečné práce
- Obhajoba proběhla 8. 6. 2017
- Vedoucí: prof. PhDr. Vít Hloušek, Ph.D.
- Oponent: Ph.D. Vratislav Havlík
Citační záznam
Citace dle ISO 690:
SK$\backslash$''ENDERASI, Jorida. \textit{Albania and European Social Model: Convergences and Divergences between different welfare states}. Online. Diplomová práce. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, Fakulta sociálních studií. 2017. Dostupné z:
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Instituce archivující a zpřístupňující práci: Masarykova univerzita, Fakulta sociálních studiíMasarykova univerzita
Fakulta sociálních studiíMagisterský studijní program / obor:
Politologie / European Politics (angl.)
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