Ing. Jith Joy

Master's thesis

Arbitrage in the ForexMarket: Emerging versus Developed market

Arbitrage in the ForexMarket: Emerging versus Developed market
Thesis objective: Arbitrage is a practice of earning risk-free profit by exploiting price dis-crepancies in financial market. According to Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH), arbitrage opportunities does not exist. However, in the Forex market, some arbitrage opportunities may occur. The purpose of this study is to examine the existence of arbitrage opportunities in the Forex Market, specifically aiming …viac
Jazyk práce: English
Datum vytvoření / odevzdání či podání práce: 10. 5. 2024

Obhajoba závěrečné práce

  • Obhajoba proběhla 18. 6. 2024
  • Vedúci: Ph.D. Axel Alejandro Araneda Barahona
  • Oponent: B.Sc. Andrea Rigamonti, M.Sc.

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Instituce archivující a zpřístupňující práci: Masarykova univerzita, Ekonomicko-správní fakulta