Bc. Hana Kohoutová

Master's thesis

Činnost event marketingové firmy

Business activity of event marketing company
KOHOUTOVÁ, Hana. Činnost event marketingové firmy. [Diplomová práce] Vysoká škola hotelová v Praze 8. Praha: 2018. 74 stran. Hlavním cílem diplomové práce na téma Činnost event marketingové firmy je analyzovat obchodní činnost agentury KUONI a navrhnout opatření spějící k růstu prosperity firmy. V zájmu naplnění tohoto cíle je postupováno podle níže uvedeného postupu. Teoreticko-metodologická část …more
The main aim of the thesis on the topic Business activity of event marketing company is to analyse the business activities of KUONI agency and to suggest measures aimed at increasing the prosperity of the company. In order to achieve this goal, proceed as described below. The theoretical-methodological part deals with company issues, its identity and leading through management. Furthermore, the characteristics …more
Language used: Czech
Date on which the thesis was submitted / produced: 24. 4. 2018

Thesis defence

  • Date of defence: 11. 6. 2018
  • Supervisor: doc. Ing. Dagmar Jakubíková, Ph.D.
  • Reader: PhDr. Marek Merhaut, Ph.D.

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Institution archiving the thesis and making it accessible: Vysoká škola hotelová v Praze

Institute of Hospitality Management in Prague

Master programme / field:
Economics and Management / Marketing Communication (Study in Czech)