Team Management 3.0: Virtual team management with gamified aspects – Karel Kotoun
Karel Kotoun
Master's thesis
Team Management 3.0: Virtual team management with gamified aspects
Management 3.0; Virtualni management s gamifikovanymi aspekty
Cilem teto prace je analyzoat zaklady gamifikace, jakozto take studovat vedeni lidi na zaklade jejich osobnostnich profilu. Dle techto predpokladu bude tedy hlavnim cilem tvorba funkcniho designu softwarove aplikace pro management a zamestnance pro novou, nadchazejici eru lidskeho rizeni. Dana aplikace umozni sbirat velka mnozstvi dat o jednotlivych clenech tymu (Big Data zalozena aplikace), coz bude …moreAbstract:
The aim of this paper is to analyse gamification practices as well as to study management by personalities. Upon this basis the objective will be to design a management software for the new management era that will collect large quantities of data about individual team members (Big Data-based software), thus enabling managers to allocate new team members onto teams upon their personalities, skills …more
Language used: English
Date on which the thesis was submitted / produced: 22. 2. 2015
Thesis defence
- Date of defence: 8. 6. 2016
- Supervisor: Dana Zadražilová
- Reader: Václav Karban
Citation record
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Institution archiving the thesis and making it accessible: Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
Master programme / field:
Mezinárodní ekonomické vztahy / Mezinárodní obchod
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