Doctoral thesis

The Socio - Cultural and Historical Motifs and Type as well as the Reconciliation of World Experiences in Czech, Slovenia and Madura Folktales/Fairy Tales to Adapt and Reconstruct the New Perspectives of the Stories for Learning

The comparative children literature from adaptation and constructivism perspectives

The Socio - Cultural and Historical Motifs and Type as well as the Reconciliation of World Experiences in Czech, Slovenia and Madura Folktales/Fairy Tales to Adapt and Reconstruct the New Perspectives of the Stories for Learning
This thesis examines the folktales/fairy tales across nation from two perspectives first according the comparative study dealing with its social, cultural, and historical viewpoint. In this part, the folktales/fairy tales are observed according to its process of adaptation and dialectical among the tales in the world. the second perspective focuses to bring the folktales/ fairy tales in the formal …viac
Hans Jorg Uther contributes to figure out the universality, dialogic, and the interconnection among the folktales/fairy tales across nation. Though the central point is the folktales/fairy tales from three countries, Czech, Slovenia (West and South Slavic), and Madura Island (Indonesia), but the interrelation with other tales such as the Grimm Tales, Jack Tales, and Perrault is unavoidable. While in …viac
Jazyk práce: Czech
Datum vytvoření / odevzdání či podání práce: 4. 1. 2017

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HARITS, Imron. The Socio - Cultural and Historical Motifs and Type as well as the Reconciliation of World Experiences in Czech, Slovenia and Madura Folktales/Fairy Tales to Adapt and Reconstruct the New Perspectives of the Stories for Learning. Olomouc, 2017. disertační práce (Ph.D.). UNIVERZITA PALACKÉHO V OLOMOUCI. Pedagogická fakulta

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Instituce archivující a zpřístupňující práci: UNIVERZITA PALACKÉHO V OLOMOUCI, Pedagogická fakulta
Theses 3g7x04 3g7x04/2
4. 1. 2017
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