Bc. Juraj Milon
Master's thesis
Analýza možností integrácie MS Excel a SAP
Analysis of possibilities related to integration of MS Excel and SAP
Annotation The thesis researches the possibilities of linking Microsoft Excel with SAP system. In the introduction, the author describes relevant software products made by SAP and Microsoft. In the second part, the author analyses the integration of SAP and MS Excel systems. The main focus of the thesis is the functional SUA (Sap User Administration) that is created in VBA (Visual Basic for Applications …moreAbstract:
Anotácia MILON, Juraj: Analýza možností integrácie MS Excel a SAP. [Diplomová práca]. Vedúci práce: Ing. Bohuslav Martiško, Csc., Bankovní institut vysoká škola Praha, 2009. 61 s. Diplomová práca sa zaoberá s možnosťami prepojenia Microsoft Excelu so systémom SAP. Autor v úvode práce popisuje vybrané softvérové produkty firiem SAP a Microsoft. V druhej časti sa venuje analýze integrácie systémov SAP …more
Language used: Slovak
Date on which the thesis was submitted / produced: 3. 3. 2011
Thesis defence
- Date of defence: 15. 6. 2010
- Supervisor: Ing. Bohuslav Martiško, CSc.
- Reader: Ing. Radoslav Forgáč, PhD.
Citation record
ISO 690-compliant citation record:
MILON, Juraj. \textit{Analýza možností integrácie MS Excel a SAP}. Online. Master's thesis. Praha: The College of Regional Development and Banking Institute - AMBIS, a.s., Banking Institute/College of Banking SK. 2011. Available from: https://theses.cz/id/75gh3x/.
Full text of thesis
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Institution archiving the thesis and making it accessible: Vysoká škola regionálního rozvoje a Bankovní institut – AMBIS, Bankovní institut vysoká škola SKBanking Institute/College of Banking
Banking Institute/College of Banking SKMaster programme / field:
Economics and Management / Information Technologies and Management
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