Ing. Eva Lupau

absolventská práce studenta CŽV

Analýza image střední odborné školy

Analysis the image of the secondary school
Závěrečná práce se věnuje analýze image střední odborné školy. Pro svou práci jsem si zvolila Střední odbornou školu zemědělskou v Přerově. Zajímalo mě, jak si škola dlouhodobě buduje svou image a jak se jí daří získávat nové uchazeče o studium. V teoretické části této práce se věnuji vysvětlení pojmu image, co tvoří image školy a jak se měří. V praktické části pak aplikuji teoretické poznatky a provádím …more
The final thesis is devoted analysis the image of the secondary school. For my work, I chose the secondary school of agriculture in Přerov. I was interested in how the school builds image in the long term and how it succeeds in attracting new students. In the theoretical part of this thesis, I explain the concept of image, what constitutes the image of the school and how we can measure. In practical …more
Language used: Czech
Date on which the thesis was submitted / produced: 12. 8. 2022

Thesis defence

  • Date of defence: 14. 9. 2022
  • Supervisor: Mgr. Petr Adamec, Ph.D. MBA

Citation record

Full text of thesis

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Declaration I hereby declare that, this thesis entitled was written and completed by me. I also declare that all the sources and information used to complete the thesis are included in the list of references. I agree that the thesis could be made public in accordance with Article 47b of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments and Supplements to Some Other Acts (the Higher Education Act), and in accordance with the current Directive on publishing of the final thesis. I declare that the printed version of the thesis and electronic version of the thesis published in the application of the Final Thesis in the University Information System is identical. I am aware that my thesis is written in accordance to Act. 121/2000 Coll., on Copyright and therefore Mendel University in Brno has the right to conclude licence agreements on the utilization of the thesis as a school work in accordance with Article 60(1) of the Copyright Act. Before concluding a licence agreement on utilization of the work by another person, I will request a written statement from the university that the licence agreement is not in contradiction to legitimate interests of the university, and I will also pay a prospective fee to cover the cost incurred in creating the work to the full amount of such costs.

Contents of on-line thesis archive
Published in Theses:
  • autentizovaným zaměstnancům ze stejné školy/fakulty
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Institution archiving the thesis and making it accessible: Mendelova univerzita v Brně, Institut celoživotního vzdělávání