System pre objednavanie na terminy realizovany webovou aplikaciou – Bc. Peter Meluš
Bc. Peter Meluš
Bachelor's thesis
System pre objednavanie na terminy realizovany webovou aplikaciou
System for the Automation of Customer Bookings Implemented as a Web Application
My thesis is dealing with design and implementation of a system for automation of customer bookings. System is implemented as a web application. A sequential design process known as Waterfall Model was used during development. Thesis begins with defining user requirements. It continues with design of the system. And at the end it describes key aspects of implementation.Abstract:
Moja práca sa zaoberá návrhom a implementáciou systému pre automatické objednávanie zákazníkov na termíny. Systém je realizovaný webovou aplikáciou. Pri vývoji systému bola použitá sekvenčná metodika známa ako vodopádový model. Práca začína definovaním užívateľských požiadaviek. Pokračuje návrhom systému. A nakoniec popisuje kľúčové aspekty implementácie.
Language used: Slovak
Date on which the thesis was submitted / produced: 3. 5. 2012
Thesis defence
- Date of defence: 30. 10. 2012
- Supervisor: Mgr. Rostislav Levý
- Reader: RNDr. Martin Pergel, Ph.D.
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Institution archiving the thesis and making it accessible: Vysoká škola finanční a správníUniversity of Finance and Administration
Bachelor programme / field:
Informatics / Applied Informatics
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