Sales Promotion as a Tool of the Integrated Marketing Communication in the Selected Trade Company (FMCG) – Bc. Timur Panov
Bc. Timur Panov
Master's thesis
Sales Promotion as a Tool of the Integrated Marketing Communication in the Selected Trade Company (FMCG)
Sales Promotion as a Tool of the Integrated Marketing Communication in the Selected Trade Company (FMCG)
The following diploma thesis is dedicated to the topic sales promotion as a tool of integrated marketing communications and the objective of the whole work is to analyze the sales promotion campaigns of the selected trade company and if needed, suggest ways to improve the sales promotion in the company. The whole thesis itself is divided into two parts. The first part is theoretical and includes theoretical …more
Language used: English
Date on which the thesis was submitted / produced: 11. 4. 2018
Thesis defence
- Date of defence: 14. 6. 2018
- Supervisor: PhDr. Karel Eliáš, CSc.
- Reader: Ing. Jiří Šnajdar
Citation record
ISO 690-compliant citation record:
PANOV, Timur. \textit{Sales Promotion as a Tool of the Integrated Marketing Communication in the Selected Trade Company (FMCG)}. Online. Master's thesis. Praha: University of Finance and Administration. 2018. Available from:
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Institution archiving the thesis and making it accessible: Vysoká škola finanční a správníUniversity of Finance and Administration
Master programme / field:
Economics and Management / Marketing Communication
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